The place that were staying has a big fence around the yard. We walk to school every day. Then on the weekend we got to drive to a hotel that had the oc
ean on the other side. When we got there we found a scorpion on the wall. We killed it with our shoe!
My friend Kade had a birthday on that day so we had a pinata. At the ocean the waves were so big that it hurt when it smashes you into the sand. It was so hot i got totally fried! I didn't get burned, I just didn't feel so good because I had a lot of sun. The riptide that was going out was scary sometimes. The sand is black too. We released baby turtles into the ocean and got to watch them scooch their way into the ocean. They were so cute!
Then on Sunday we went to the ocean and the pool and lun
ch, then soon it was time to go. The ride was bumpy the last 30 min. and I got sick in my tummy. When we got back I laid down and then we went for dinner and we got to watch part of Shrek. then in the morning we walked to school. I have learned lots of Spanish words like el cuchio, el plato, and la mesa.