The last time I wrote a blog I was in a different country. This time I'm in San Vincente, El Salvador. Thats the city I live in. In this blog I'm going to write about my new house, San Vincente and a little village that I'm going to work in this year. The first picture is of a lady in front of her house in San Antonio. We hope to build a new house for her before the rainy season. She has a blanket for one of the walls and she has no power in her house.
My new house has 3 rooms, great security, 2 houses in one and a garage with a truck. The new house has three big rooms, me and my brother sleep in one of them, my mom and dad sleep in another and Annah and Elias in the last. My siblings and I all share two bunk beds. In my room there is a hammock which is really nice. The Berstad's have the top half of the house and the McAllister's have the bottom. The separation has a big difference because we are separate not 1. Our garage is really big you can play soccer on. We have a truck that has 2 doors and a small box. My family and the other family are going to get railing on it so we can ride in the back. My house feels safe at night and I am glad God gave it to us.

(Annah and her school friends)
San Vincente is the city that I live in. It has a bridge, 1 big store, a market, a few friends
and a big clock tower. In San Vincente there is a bridge that was broken last year during
hurricane Ida. My dad was in San Vicente when it happened and he experienced nothing
like it before. The bridge overflowed with water when the rain poured for four days.
There is one grocery store called 'Super Selectos' and its smaller than Co-op. We
walk through the market to get to school everyday. At the market you can buy anything
you want from fresh chicken to home made cheese, and machetes to laundry
detergent. My friends at school only speak spanish. I have also made friends
with some kids from San Antonio. We took over 200 kids to the pool and
had a blast last week. Lots of them had never gone to the pool before! There
is a big clock tower in central park and every hour the bell rings the
number of hours that it is. Annah will talk about it a bit more in her
next post. San Vicente is an interesting place to live.
(central park clock tower above)
San Antonio is a village near San Vicente that we are working in to build houses.
The railroad track has been taken apart because the train doesn't get used anymore.
Now it's a road for people to walk down and oxen pulling carts and drive trucks.
The reason these people moved along the tracks 25 years ago is because it was
in the middle of the civil war here and wherever they lived
before was too dangerous to stay. Some people that are older could hear guns
in the distance when they were little. It was a very scary time for them. Now
where i live you hear fire crackers going off all day and all night long! It
sometimes scares me too. When we drive in San Antonio we hang on in
the back of the pick up truck. My friend Kade jumped off and fell. When
we took the kids to the pool we had around 80 kids in the first truck load!!
San Antonio is a fun place to run and play.
(this is our new truck! it's huge inside the double cab)
I miss my friends and family back home in Canada. But i am enjoying
our new place in San Vicente and spending time in San Antonio,
El Salvador. Thanks for reading! Please comment here so
I know that you are reading this blog!!
Bye for now,

(ben and a new kitten - eyes still shut)
What an interesting blog entry, Isaiah! That is so cool that you are learning about the history of El Salvador and getting to know the people who live there!
Hi Isaiah! Thank you so much for sharing about your new home in San Vicente. How many students are in your classroom? Are you all in one grade? You mention the rainy season, when does that begin? We had 21 cm of snow this weekend, Emily and Tyson made a snowman in their yard! Look forward to hearing from you.
Sharon Pachal
Hi Isaiah and Annah. I just tried to send a blog after my grandson, Kade (13) and my daughter, Andrea, showed me how to create an account. I don't know if it went because I hit the Preview button and I lost it, I think!
I was telling you how I have been reading your blogs but I didn't know how to respond until now.
You are having some wonderful adventures and learning so much about El Salvador and Spanish. What a great experience for all of you and what a very good thing you are all doing to help the people of El Salvador! You are making them all very happy.
Do you remember Kaitlyn Brien? Her brother is Evan and you would
have seen them at my recitals. Kaitlyn is 19 years old and was operated on at a hospital in Toronto to remove a tumour in her brain on Thursday. The doctors are confident that they removed it all so she will be feeling much better soon.
It has been very hot in Calgary this month...29 degrees today. We had a Bocce Ball Tournament and BBQ here today for the family which was lots of fun. It was an end of summer celebration because the kids go back to school at the end of this week.
Give my best wishes to the rest of your family, please.
Happy Fall!
From Mrs. Nugent
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