It was a dos
hour drive to the base that we got ready to climb [dos means two]. When we got out of the van a whole lot of kids came and tried to sell us sticks that we could use as walking sticks. There were also horses that you could ride up on. The owners called them taxis. On the drive to the base I got really sick. I almost did't go up the volcano. When we started up it was really steep and very hard.

When we were about a 3rd of the way up the was a spot that you could look out from at the other volcanos. There was horses that were still following us so my dad got a horse for me and the other kids. My friend Winnie and me got the first ride and it was fun. There was a really steep part that Kade and Elias had to get strapped on to the saddle on the horse. Then we went down and then through a rock field that was made from the big explosion about 9 months ago.
This is Elias feeling how hot the ground is.
When we stopped, the guide roasted marsh mellows over a hot spot that was so hot that it
could kill you if you fell in. He also roasted cheese that I put on a cracker. Then up another hill there was a cave that I went in and it was so hot that you could cook a pollo in it (pollo is chicken). Then on the way back I was so hot that I almost went down onto my knees and rested. My dad gave me a piggy back ride and fell. It was really dusty on the way down the small trails. When we got back to the van almost all of the
kids fell asleep with in 20 min. That's how a good and bad day go if your lucky.
My favorite part was in the cave that was so hot that you you could cook a pollo in it. In this picture you can see how hot Elias looks. It was so hot we could barely stand there. I hope you enjoy seeing the pics of my climb.
1 comment:
So amazing! It's my dream to climb a volcano one day! Perhaps we can do it together and you can be my guide Isaiah!!!
Hugs to all!
Mme B
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